Moments of ‘puzzlement’….
Puzzles have always been part of our Christmas tradition and being in Austria was no different. With the gift of two different puzzles Kathleen and I set about putting them together. The first one was a gift from the U.S. it was called ‘Perspectives’ and depicted the four seasons—summer, winter, spring and fall. It was not too difficult to complete because each season had its own marks of individual identification. One can always recognize what the present season of life is.
The second puzzle which was European –was called ‘Panorama’. A waterfront view of buildings all shapes, sizes and colors. In front of the buildings and all along the side-walk were many people, all milling around enjoying the celebratory atmosphere and warmth of sunshine at the waters-edge.
The water was like the colors of Jacob's coat, it reflected the light that shone on the buildings reflecting their individual colors. This is an analogy where the two concepts of personality and seasons of life converge and create understanding of the new season. When the light shone on the buildings it caused the reflection of their shape, size and color on the water to merge into a swathe of beauty, many different tones and hues, like the seasons of our lives. No individual season or single passage of time could possibly create these new colors but rather together they give opportunity to behold a whole new perspective.
This is what the first puzzle was all about. Both Isaiah and Paul encourage us to ‘forget the former things….’ Not to disrespect or declaim their value but because it is in releasing the past the present creates the colors of today and produce new things of tomorrow.
Seeking direction requires focus on individual elements of life, details, like those on a map but seeking new perspective is only discovered when the light of the ‘Son’ shines on all seasons revealing our true self, giving a compass which points true north and new vision
Out of the vibrancies of colors a dream emerges, a new story begins…
January 2012