Wednesday, October 23, 2013

First Love

First love…

As a child I cannot remember my parents or siblings or friends or myself using the word ‘love’—and as I reminisce I realize love was something that was experienced through action rather than heard through words.  

Remembering those days I am unable to differentiate my feelings of love for an individual.  Love was a family thing—it was who we were and how we lived and worked together and yes sometimes fought and became angry with each other.  To love was to know each one had a place in the family, each had a responsibility to ‘set the table before the meal’ or ‘wash the dishes after the meal’, to use the sweeper under and around the table.  Each had a task which meant we were part of the family.  It was our world, we rarely used the word ‘love’ but somehow we knew it was not a word but something exemplified in how we lived together.  We just knew we were loved and cared for, and we loved and cared in return by our respect and obedience. 

 Words like ‘love’ were saved for special moments in grown up lives, a word that if  defined would mean, hard work, joining together in the tasks of everyday living with a special person, a person chosen to duplicate this same world of love.  At times this love meant doing the things we would rather not do but understood somewhere deep within that if we didn’t do our part then someone would go without, including ourselves—and of course there would be consequences for leaving the thing undone.     

 Love was the reason why dad worked hard and would work at any job in order to put food on the table for six children.  Love recognized that there was a place around the table for each of us.  Love for me began with the security that home gave when bombs were falling and we were all in it together—taking care that when we huddled together in the darkness of the air-raid shelter no one was missing.  

Love was also evidenced through the friendships I made, not many but enough and when the appointed time came with a yearning in my heart for something more—I heard of God’s love and through my own great need, love was sown into my heart.  Through love friendship with Jesus and deep passion for the Church laid a foundation in my soul.  

It was out of this backdrop that love came to me as a very young woman and  made way for commitment to one man—a passion that focused on one relationship that would pay the cost of leaving home, family, country and all I knew of life.   Love so deep that through 56 years it has stood the test of time, many trials, many struggles and steep learning curves that proved love endures and transforms the soul.     To love another is to know them and in knowing them love discovers the awesome value of a single soul.  

As I write these words I realize that I have sometimes consciously but mostly unconsciously lived life establishing the same womb of protection for our immediate family.  I have learned that the world we live in has changed drastically.  I have grown to realize that people, especially our own offspring need to hear the words ‘I love you’. 

I have learned that love is the foundation and motivation for my actions, it is why I do what I do—love is not just words or feelings but passion that acts on behalf of others.  Love is an attitude that says…I have a destiny, I am a part of the whole…I have a task to do…for the Glory of God and the good of all mankind.

“What manner of love is this that we should be called the children of God”

[1 John 3:1]

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Continuing in Prayer

Continuing in Prayer…

Some of my most glorious memories are of those special times when the Holy Spirit has opened the way for me to share Jesus with family members.  After a number of years evangelizing in my homeland my mother’s struggle with the wall against ‘Pentecost’ finally broke down.  Sitting in the back pew of the Church of England, ‘checking out what on earth her daughter was doing preaching the Gospel,' The Holy Spirit heard my prayers, saw her hunger and mightily saved her soul.  She wept and shook for three days—some time later she remarried [my dad had gone to be with the Lord some years prior], and on another ministry journey we stopped by to visit.  I shared Jesus and led my step-dad to the Lord. They both spent the rest of their days serving in the local church and my mother, still weeping, would attend our  U.K. Truelight Ministry prayer meetings. 
The enemy always wages war against the families—he always finds the weak spots, the young, the old and the ones busy at providing for their families!   We have a mandate to keep our families covered—God desires for us to be LIGHT that is set on a hill.  Over the years I have had the privilege of leading many others in my family to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  
The Trinity has often been described by using the light bulb—well if the seat of connection is God the Father, the filament is the power of the Holy Spirit and Jesus is the LIGHT then families become the housing of the bulb itself and must connect to God the Father for the power to flow!
So many of the requests we receive are for agreement in prayer for loved ones.  Through our prayer ministry we hear wonderful testimonies of how prayer has radically changed many households. 
At DHM God has given the increase and in the new location we have an inner room that has been dedicated as the ‘inner prayer room’.    Our prayer ministry team pray for the requests that come to us either personally, by e-mail or telephone—led by the Holy Spirit we join the intercessory ministry of Jesus Christ, who ever lives to make intercession for us all.
It would be a privilege to agree with you to intercede for your families—this is the way of love, continuing in prayer one for another.
If you have a need please let us know either by calling: 692 5971 or e-mail
May God divinely intervene in every household as it is written—“…believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved –you and your household.” you shall receive household salvation.  Salvation means; total restoration through redemption, deliverance, healing and the full inheritance, everything God has purposed for His family—the full blessing of God.   –Diane

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The River....

                                                              The River
 “The Lord has made everything to accommodate itself and contribute to its own end and His own purpose—even the wicked are fitted for their role for the day of calamity and evil.Proverbs 16:4 AMP

The movement of God during the closing of this season of ministry, which includes the journey to England, Austria and the Dominican Republic, was as a mighty and deep river.   This verse brings understanding about the river of God and helps us to understand the following truths:
A deep and wide river moves swiftly, its speed dependent upon its original spring.  “Then He showed me the river whose waters give life, sparkling like crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb.”  Revelation 22:2

Whenever there is resistance within the river the resistance does not create the power to increase its depths and its borders.  It is the source from which it flows that brings power and healing to the nations and all that it touches. “Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city.  On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month.  And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”  Revelation 22:1-2
Hindrance or pressure does not make something increase but exposes what is already there and by that virtue increases itself.  [I.e. the gymnast is not developed by what they do but by the strength and determination within themselves.]  Not what they do but who they are!

a.       The river  allows itself to increase and re-shape as it flows.

b.      Whatever is received has enough power to fulfill its potential, it cannot be stopped by any external force or hindrance.

c.       The deeper the river the less observable is its movement and power.  There is a ‘stillness’ to depth. 

d.      The ratio of width and depth is reflected in balance and reflects harmony – when a hindrance occurs the water begins to churn in the depths making it even deeper.  The depths then increasing restores balance and harmony.
A just balance and scales are the Lord’s; all the weights of the bag are His work [established on His eternal principles” Proverbs 16:11

e.      The churning of the river causes the hindrance to either succumb by submission  or be washed away by the power of the river: 
“Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself on Him: fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass.”   [Psalm 37:7]

Diane - July 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Glorious Grace

Glorious Grace

But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”   [1 John 1:7]

This verse teaches us something about the glorious grace of God—Grace is not just an escape mechanism when we are tempted apart from His Presence.  Walking with Him in the Light is to know the full power of His Grace.  Praying… lead me not into temptation, when believed, allows us to freely walk in the Light of the Glory of the Son of the Living God.

Grace is the power of Light!    Walking in the Light with Jesus means the act of walking in the power of the Light continuously, which provides for the continual adjustment of our responses.  It protects us from making the wrong moves, thinking the wrong thoughts or taking the wrong actions.  When our thoughts need realigning the Light does not discard the thought—the Light fulfills the thought so that it is in alignment with the mind of Christ or truth.

For example there are many times we make a response to circumstances that is perhaps a little ‘out of character’ or not our usual response.  Or we suddenly find ourselves thinking ‘strange thoughts’.  Our immediate response is…”oh my goodness, I should not  think like that” taking the thought into our union with Christ will keep us from beating up on ourselves and allow Christ  to share with us the truth of what is being thought. 

 As Christians our first thought, as in all human thinking, is to justify ourselves.  Well I responded as I did because, fill in the blank.  If we fail to remember we are walking in and with the Light of Christ we become our own accusers and the enemy partners with us to knock us off our feet by accusing us of ‘judging’.  In actual fact our response has changed not because we are judging but because we have discerned something unseen or unknown before.  The Light we are walking in has given us more information with which to give a response and pray with greater understanding.   This is the Spirit that  “judges…with righteousness…”

When we walk in the Light we are walking in the Spirit of Christ Himself who aligns our responses to the Light and creates a pathway within His boundaries, revealing the highway of holiness.  

This is the process of renewing the thinking and transforming the soul.

This is not an excuse for sin—sin whether thought, word or deed, by its very nature is separation from God for and from which the Blood has cleansed us.  What this teaches us is the depth of our belief and maturity in Christ.

Diane – July, 2013

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Glorious Vision

“…to you it has been given to come progressively to know to recognize and understand more strongly and clearly the mysteries and secrets of the kingdom of God…” [Luke 8:10 AMP]

Being ‘progressive’ in the world may have a negative connotation but not in the Kingdom of God!  The ‘church’ is stymied by the religious spirit and structures that will not allow a power greater than itself.  A power that will move individuals progressively into the great vortex opened to them by the rending of the veil. [Matthew 28:1-3]  Through the very flesh and blood of Jesus Christ saints have moved into this vortex—a vortex involving a whirlwind drawing into its epicenter all that surrounds it and those that will yield to its reality!  This is a heart that has spent the wellsprings of life seeking and searching to know God. 

Caught up in this vortex the saint of God finds his footing on the courtroom of heaven—“Thus says the Lord of hosts: If you will walk in My ways and keep My charge, then also you shall rule My house and have charge of My courts, and I will give you access to My presence and places to walk among these who stand here.”  [Zechariah 3:7]  The ‘progressives’ join the great throng who worship in spirit and in truth and in this revelation  they walk in the Light as He is in the Light—they have trained themselves by use of the Word of God to discern good from evil. [Hebrews 5:14]  The one with glorious vision is able to say and know they have arrived—they have progressed in their understanding in knowing they have “…come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem…”  [Hebrews 12:22]  Living in the world and not of it means I am living somewhere else, a spiritual dimension more real than the temporary and “No one born [begotten] of God [deliberately knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, for God’s nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him]: and he cannot practice sinning because he is born [begotten] of God” [1 John 3:9 AMP]
 We have ‘progressed’ to be among those who hear the Judge read the verdicts, reports, readings from the books of heaven [Daniel 7:9-11]—the destiny of individuals, families, tribes, regions and nations.  We are among those who receive assignments that prophecy into the earth the Will of God as the Kingdom of God extends its borders.  The Light of this Kingdom blinds those behind the walls of religion for they are those, “…who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked and suffocated with the anxieties and cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not ripen [come to maturity and perfection].  [Mark 8:14 AMP]  These are those who do not progress!

The entrance into this Kingdom cannot be known unless there is a new birth, both of water and of the Spirit—eyes progressively open and slowly glimpse, as if through a portal [open heaven], the sights and sounds of heaven.  This is the experience of one who receives a ‘word’ from the Lord, a ‘picture’ while in God’s presence, a dream or vision in the night seasons.  Even as Jacob [Genesis 28]  who dreamed and in his dream saw the activities of heaven as the angels ascended and descended the ladder—later Jacob would progress and enter into fullness by risking his life to ‘know God’.  [Genesis 32]  Peter, James and John were lifted into a portal to taste the atmosphere of heaven and witness Jesus Christ hearing the verdicts spoken concerning His destiny.

There are three stages to living in this ‘glorious vision’ – to be born again is to rise in the resurrection power—to walk in the Spirit of God is to rise in the ascension power—to hear, speak and act upon His Word is to be placed into the very court room of heaven, to walk among those already dwelling there and experience the dominion power flowing from the seat of God’s government—Mount Zion the heavenly Jerusalem!

June 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Life at the Limits

The Secret of Life at the Limits

For some time now the use of the word uncertainty has been used as the cause and effect of economic, social, and moral breakdown of people and cultures.  The effort to stay in control of things becomes more difficult all the time.  For hundreds of millennia in the prehistoric past, individuals defended their own land and built their own shelters.  Communities were far apart; tragic events affected relatively few people.  Today, people living close together in complex social networks become victim to the stress filled, hate empowered binges of mindless acts  of futility and the  value of life and morality denigrate into the mire of stagnation.
             Into this ever increasing darkness God is raising up a people.  A people who are prepared to stabilize the environment and reveal that there is one true constant in the midst of global uncertainty.  They are a people with steel in their backbone and iron in their souls.  They know their purpose; they increase their productivity and are sustained by the power that issues forth from the core of their being.   You can recognize these people by the lives they live and the belief system they live by.  Broken and undone by the very presence of a Holy God these people of weakness are those whose lives are no longer their own, their profession is, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me”.

            They are weak and make mistakes but this same Holy God has equipped them with wisdom to arrest their frailty use it for good and allow circumstances to blossom into goodness.
           When moment by moment the natural life of men and nations seem to be reaching limits of imminent danger and catastrophe the presence of this Holy God stays the hand of man because He and He alone holds the keys of time and testing.  Make no mistake about this God is Sovereign ruler of earth and is fulfilling His purpose in the earth today.  Not a second early or a moment too late…His timing is perfect!

            His people have learned to live in uncertainty—they gladly bow the knee to His higher way in every situation and in doing so remain calmly focused on the goal of life and God’s purpose for every man.  “To worship God and serve Him only”

Monday, March 25, 2013

Building A Life

“The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual”

For a year now we have been living in the midst of demolition of the old court house and construction of the new seat of justice in our town.  It has been a constant reminder of Paul’s words to forget the old and put on the new spirit man.  Metaphors are created by looking through the window of the natural to see the spiritual dimension that is as close as the air we breathe. Dealing with lives that have and are in the midst of destruction has caused me to ponder and draw parallels to the need of mind renewal—the transformation created by the old to new, death to life process.  And so I have written… 
      Everywhere lives are lived out as best as the individual knows how.  Coping with life in this 21st century is full of pitfalls, misguided information, and sudden catastrophes.  Technology and the speed of evolution crushes the personal touch and the ability to maintain a sense of self worth is lessened.  Personal worth is decreased when the overwhelming matrix of technology impinges upon daily lives at alarming rates. 

      Here in the midst of the human condition gone askew, determination to move forward becomes the life link that breaks from the pathway of destruction to push toward some unknown territory, known as a healthy existence or happiness. This determination cannot -- neither should it be-- hindered since  the power of the moment throws all to the wind and “goes for it”.  The unknowing innately contains the very seeds of development that drove the life to this juncture, but if a person is loved and guided by the Creator, happiness can be lived out along the path of growth.  It’s a matter of faith or belief in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, God’s presence becomes a reality.  Faith  is the gift and fruit of a life turned over to God and the spirit man being “born again.”

      Minds full of past mistakes, of children lost, of abusive relationships, or of knowing themselves to have become the abusers, are minds thwart with obstacles. Only the God of impossible situations can realign and reignite the hope and passion to push forward.  Only by the Holy Spirit can lives be interrupted and direction changed.   Life must be surrendered; yet, even the willingness is impossible without the grace and mercy found in  God’s presence.  Our Father’s presence is the most significant, secure and saving truth. 

      Rebuilding life from the inside out becomes the single most important endeavor.  It is not so much where you are going, though knowing the goal posts is paramount to maintaining alignment, but using building blocks that are practical and easily performed is a secret to building a life that will not fall.  The building blocks are the moments that are available day by day.   Building by oneself never works or works to a point where one wrong detail, one detail missed, can shift the whole project.  Details are the place where the input from others is more important than self knowledge.  When building alone, the individual suddenly becomes “awash”  because details are missed and life has broken boundaries, places where the self, the world or even the devil can gain access. 

      Being in the midst of the building site reminds us that construction is messy.  Life that is growing and changing also becomes messy: things do not fit in the usual space or place.  In this atmosphere of change, strange people with differing gifts must be allowed to augment the needs of the project.  Specific pieces of equipment are used at specific times and loom into our space as overbearing, awkward and obtrusive.  The dirt and grit that building stirs up gets into every crack and cranny of life.  The noise of jack hammer, motors, saws and foul language of the workers pollute the air around you. 

       Blueprints are the most valuable piece of information necessary.  Without the diagram nothing will be “fitly joined” together.  It is smudged and smeared from coffee spilled when eyes are tired and limbs ache with the constant effort to “keep it according to the blueprint.”  In plain and public view, the blueprints are spread out for all to see, though few can read and even less understand the marks of the construction boss.  Supplies arriving early are stacked in inappropriate places while supplies needed arrive late and tempers rise.

       Soon the building blocks are rising higher, and amidst the canopy of chaos, a slim but solid glimpse of hope and possibility leaves the worker with a sense of what could be.  Past scaffolds are knocked away and lie among the debris. That which was yesterday’s need and security is no longer useful in today’s state of development.  

      The outside has form and substance, but inwardly the work is just beginning.  Inspiration sparks as workers move away from strict structure and creativity is allowed its freedom.  Color, shape, and form bring joy that strengthens hope; and energy brings light and laughter.  This metaphorical analysis of the transformation or renewal of the mind explains the way man thinks.  

      This development of thought is the whole meaning of evolution or the enlightenment of mankind.  The chains of thought, like the links in man’s DNA, empower and drive the human to either resist the process of evolution or empower toward higher levels of human thought and existence. 

Diane M. Hale - March 2013







Friday, January 4, 2013

The Close of the Season

January – 2013

Man has plans but God’s purpose prevails---this was the word of the Lord when leaving the airport. The last month has been a whirl wind of activity and celebration.  Cramming into a month everything that the extended family has missed while being separated by the vast oceans.   Last Christmas Joe and I were in Austria for the Christmas, holidays.  Everything we did was with ‘us’ and a few friends the rest of the family remained at home in the U.S.  As I write it reminds me of when the entire family were all in England for Christmas—we were together and that’s all that mattered.  Both of those ‘out of the country’ experiences at Christmas were thwart with sickness but somehow we got through with peace, love and joy.
This year we had the thrill of picking out the tree together, watching the farmer cut it down, bringing it home and decorating together.  We shopped till we dropped, watched the Christmas movies including my favorite kind, an English TV. series that had been sent from the homeland as a Christmas gift.  We baked cookies and all kinds of goodies for the holidays.  Fellowshipped with other Christians worshipped at the same church and sat around the fire and talked.  We shared gifts and stories about the Lord’s leading, life’s disappointments and the joy of being called the chosen of God.  And yes prayed for the urgent prayer requests that came, maintained a necessary time at the ministrycenter, attended the funeral of a dear friend and celebrated the wonderful Christmas Eve candle light service.  
The house is quiet now, no little feet running and skipping through the house, no squeals and
screams of delight as uncle or cousins take to the floor with the excuse of the little one among us to ‘play’ again.  There were moments when lamps hit the floor, a screen torn from the window as dad had to force his way into the house having left his key inside.  There was times when the wood wouldn’t burn and the birds were want for food and tears of 'I want--but didn't get' sounded out the presence of a 4 year old.  There was no snow this year, but mist and cold rain created the atmosphere of Christmas, days sometimes drearily wrapped its arms around the house and closed the evening in early, it was then the yearly puzzle became the challenge of the holidays but by boxing day the ‘hurrah’s rang out with the final piece [found underneath the sofa of course] slipping into place.  

Late nights brought not so early rising but still time to hear Ava singing out…”come quickly Nana and Papa, come quickly,” following her bidding we were ushered into her mum’s room to see the morning sun, round as a red ball of fire rising behind the wintry, bare tree lined horizon.  Everything became hushed as the light of the day made its entrance and we were reminded of the beauty of creation and the faithfulness of the One who fashioned it.  

Turkey and dressing, carrots with parsnips, brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, raisin sauce and ham, mince pies and California torte cake and so much more—all that everyone would enjoy found its place on the dining table. Full to the brim we sat and reminisced remembering the high lights of the year, the sad and dark times and the happy and glad times, all were part of those days we remembered--and we were thankful.   Even moments of frustration soon fizzle and fade away as twinkling lights remind each one that nothing takes the place of being together.

As the year closed so too was our time of togetherness.  As midnight drew close we prayerfully entered into the new year, its circumstances unknown to us but knowing who would hold each day and each one of us in His Mighty Loving Hands.