Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Memory Healing...

One has to own their own sin to receive salvation—and likewise one must own their own salvation to know surrender to His Lordship.
Recently I had occasion to revisit a place I had been some years ago.  It was a time and place that God had chosen to meet a certain priest, a man who gently helped me as I journeyed through a ‘crossing over’ a deep ‘letting go’ season of life.   Now many years later I find I am in this place once again and note that there is still the washing away of remnants of those hours—like the scar tissue that remains from past surgery God’s healing reveals even the scars have been removed and I am at peace.

As I ‘think on these things’ the depth of ‘letting go’ is far deeper than I can fathom.  I’m reminded of the work of the Holy Spirit in my life during other seasons and how the Lord used them to bring out so much grief of past loss, for one cannot release without first revealing what lay hidden.  In a very real way I am still releasing my homeland and all that has meant to my heart.  Closing takes a long time, it’s not a simple act of walking away but continually without fear, or even with fear, releasing your heart.  The only safe place is into the hands of the Father.  Each and every moment that we have a ‘flash back’ or reminder, we sense and recognize that life without the things we held so dear is safe and secure,  that they are molded and melted into who we are and therefore can never be lost.  Only the Holy Spirit can do this work as we yield to His sanctifying work within us.  Our joy then comes from being able to allow our memories freedom in making us uniquely designed and living our lives openly in surrender to Him as radiant stars in the universe.

HANDS…how beautiful the touch of hands so dear, sweet flowing motion to wipe away a tear.  To sooth a fevered brow or calm a pounding heart, the last soft touch of love before we part.  Moving to the rhythm of pain and blinding sadness, inside so deep the hurt and fear is soothed away by hands so dear.  Hands that reach for loved ones lost, that speak of all that love has cost. Hands that hold the healing power, hands so gentle full of love.  The Mighty hands of God above.  

“And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, Into Your hands I commit My spirit”  - Luke 23:46 -



Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"Don't you see that children are God's best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy?"

Let the little children… come unto me.

Every problem an individual or nation faces is, at the root, a spiritual problem.   Only those seeing life through the lens of The Holy Spirit will understand that the issue is not politics, the economy or poverty.  The issue is spiritual.   Developing the horizons of our communities to influence and affect this nation begins in the smallest of them.  It is here in the grass roots that dreams, visions, and hopes of “we the people” move us forward.   A pioneer spirit, once stirring deeply in our hearts but now crushed into servitude, is not the destiny of a people chosen by God! 

History teaches that the compass of man’s life is moral and, once broken on a large scale, nations fall and crumble.  Yet there is always a remnant, a group that has not, nor ever will yield to the battering ram of temptation, the self destruction of consuming upon its own lusts the very blessing and freedom that created this nation.  These are those with the spirit of the pioneers, men and women who were willing to risk all for a new land, pioneers who kept moving toward the sunrise, heading for the horizon.  They were seeking new places, new cultures, and new beginnings.  As they conquered each new frontier and touched the horizon, the desire to reach into the unknown infused them with courage.  Outer space or cyber space -- nothing can stop the pioneer spirit that this nation was founded upon.   Pioneers are prepared to keep going, to journey on, to stay on the path. Vision empowers perseverance in a world that taunts and tests with persecution.  All along the way, pioneers have insight given to them.  Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).

Were these pioneers the prophets of their day, men and women who listened to the moral compass within and followed the course predestined while they were yet in their mother’s womb?  Strangers in a foreign land and much like the Israelites of old, they moved into this land of promise, drove their stakes into the land and persevered so that posterity could prosper.  Where are these pioneers, these visionaries of old, now?

They are those who would move mountains for the common good of man; they would build great places of healing, education, and scientific exploration.  Something happened; something is stealing away the rights and privileges; something has upset the balance and the compass spins in all directions.  How do we come back?  How do we refocus?  Only God can draw, like a magnet, people back to Himself; only He can reset the compass and point the hearts of people to due north.   Let our hearts cry for new eyes to see and ears to hear.   We must watch and wait and allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse and readjust our sight to higher realms and deeper understanding.

This nation that is sin sick from the murder of millions of unborn babies is now faced with an awesome opportunity of opening its borders to thousands of children from other lands.  They too flea from the tyranny and bondage of wicked men and women.   What mercy and grace would risk giving such responsibility to those who have failed so miserably.  We can look again with the eyes of the creator God and see the manner of His love.

 Only God knows the deep things and only He can extract the precious out of the vile.   Christian, let your voice envelope all other voices until there is a sound from heaven that sends a tsunami of wisdom and compassion across this land.  

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Life Lesson--the Lesson of Life...

The lesson of life – to release or let go of all things, people, situations, dreams, desires.  Yesterday is gone; tomorrow may never be – to live in the beauty and peace of a moment.    To erase from our minds the bondage of should, aught, must, or what if’s.  Learning the measure of living in this place of victory is the measure by which we are able to receive the love of God!

The very moment Christ---gave up the Spirit—God began to move and in the interim of death and life was the power of release, the power of let go, the power of the resurrection!   Nothing could hold life down or cripple the life that would follow Christ! 

Years ago I had a decision to make—for me it was a big decision, as I fasted and prayed I spent time away from daily activities and I sat in the midst of God's creation watching as squirrels chased each other in the tree tops.   Suddenly the one in front found itself on the farthest limb with no tree close by, only a sapling growing between the distant trees.  The squirrel hesitated only a second before she leapt with grace that caught my breath but even greater was the wonder when she touched down on the small frail sapling and landed with such grace and balance the limb simply bowed gently for its visitor.  My thoughts returned to the moment of decision and I pondered.  “How can that squirrel take such a leap of faith and land so precisely, when I stumble and struggle so much?"  I heard  the Spirit whisper,   “She does not question but responds instinctively to who I have created her to be—when you respond to who I have made you to be, you too will take giant leaps of faith". 

David was very wise in knowing times and seasons….it is written “Then Saul went on one side of the mountain, and David and his men on the other side of the mountain.  So David made haste to get away from Saul, for Saul and his men were encircling David and his men to take them….he came to the sheepfolds by the road, where there was a cave; and Saul went in to attend to his needs."   Then David’s men reminded David of the Lord’s words, ”Behold, I will deliver your enemy into your hand, that you may do to him as it seems good to you, And David arouse and secretly cut off a corner of Saul’s robe’…David  was sorry he had cut off the corner of Saul’s robe and told his men.  “The Lord forbid that I should do this thing to my master, the Lord’s anointed, to stretch out my hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the Lord” 

So the life lesson of ‘letting go’ requires a deep sense of the value of every person, the right attitude is the most powerful response in this life lesson. 

Even the ebb and flow of the ocean speaks of things first touching then releasing—it is a reflection of eternal life to be able to hold on yet let go.  Only as one has unquestioning assurance and confidence in which God has made them to be can the letting go principle knows full power. 

To release the seasons of life is the secret to the much more of spiritual growth and development.  It is this release that impacts every moment of the future.   The momentum of life is kept at a steady pace, no weariness, no complaining, but joy as every moment replaces the moment just released.  James Matthew Barrie said, “You have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by. Yes, but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by.”  It happens in…a moment.

I remember the story of the old Pentecostals who were heard at the altar saying… “hang on sister, hang on to the horns of the altar and don’t let go until God gives the answer”, then another voice would call out saying…”let go sister, let go and let God!”  Havelock Ellis said, “All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.”

Letting go is a subject many books have been written about and most concern relationships. “Sometimes" said Gloria Naylor, “... being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny." Letting go means you never leave someone behind, you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind.

There is the trauma of leaving jobs, changing locations, leaving home, and leaving school, leaving communities or churches.  Life is full of the ‘let go lesson’.   As time goes by and age grips the physical even the activities of yesterday must be replaced by less strenuous activities of today.  No longer can you dig and rake the gardens, travel the world, run the marathon or climb the highest mountain.

Technology has spawned new ways of communication, faster; right now responses have pushed the human physic beyond the limits of the previous generations of mind mapping abilities.  All this requires we let go and let tomorrow set the boundaries of limitless thinking.  “We must be willing”, said Joseph Campbell, “to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.” 

Letting go of your past and memories are also extremely hard. Even though old memories can be tormenting, yet you might hold on to the past and refuse to move forward but refusing to let go of the painful past only serves as a roadblock to the future.

Seasons teach us that without the power of their persuasion we would not be prepared for changing climates.   Leaves drop sadly to the ground to give way, to yield to the next season and bulbs and roots must rest before the Spring can come again.   From  babies loss of first tooth, potty training and the stumbling steps taken  into daddies opened arms, letting go is an art and a crucial ‘life lesson’

The deepest most painful art of living is experienced in the letting go of self—the depth of self abandonment is immortally viewed on the Cross and can only be known as you walk in trust and obedience to God.  When God ‘let go’ of Himself it was the gateway, the heavenly portal, the door to life everlasting, a place of freedom that words alone cannot express.  Letting go of the old self and the process of allowing the new to emerge can be one of the scariest experiences in life. But by leaving behind your old self and taking a leap of faith into the unknown, it might just reveal what you are truly capable of becoming.

This is the secret and the reason ‘letting go’ becomes a life lesson, it is learned through the moments of life.   Oprah Winfrey caught a glimpse of this when she was able to say: “Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.”