Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Memory Healing...

One has to own their own sin to receive salvation—and likewise one must own their own salvation to know surrender to His Lordship.
Recently I had occasion to revisit a place I had been some years ago.  It was a time and place that God had chosen to meet a certain priest, a man who gently helped me as I journeyed through a ‘crossing over’ a deep ‘letting go’ season of life.   Now many years later I find I am in this place once again and note that there is still the washing away of remnants of those hours—like the scar tissue that remains from past surgery God’s healing reveals even the scars have been removed and I am at peace.

As I ‘think on these things’ the depth of ‘letting go’ is far deeper than I can fathom.  I’m reminded of the work of the Holy Spirit in my life during other seasons and how the Lord used them to bring out so much grief of past loss, for one cannot release without first revealing what lay hidden.  In a very real way I am still releasing my homeland and all that has meant to my heart.  Closing takes a long time, it’s not a simple act of walking away but continually without fear, or even with fear, releasing your heart.  The only safe place is into the hands of the Father.  Each and every moment that we have a ‘flash back’ or reminder, we sense and recognize that life without the things we held so dear is safe and secure,  that they are molded and melted into who we are and therefore can never be lost.  Only the Holy Spirit can do this work as we yield to His sanctifying work within us.  Our joy then comes from being able to allow our memories freedom in making us uniquely designed and living our lives openly in surrender to Him as radiant stars in the universe.

HANDS…how beautiful the touch of hands so dear, sweet flowing motion to wipe away a tear.  To sooth a fevered brow or calm a pounding heart, the last soft touch of love before we part.  Moving to the rhythm of pain and blinding sadness, inside so deep the hurt and fear is soothed away by hands so dear.  Hands that reach for loved ones lost, that speak of all that love has cost. Hands that hold the healing power, hands so gentle full of love.  The Mighty hands of God above.  

“And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, Into Your hands I commit My spirit”  - Luke 23:46 -



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