the little children… come unto me.
Every problem an
individual or nation faces is, at the root, a spiritual problem. Only those seeing life through the lens of
The Holy Spirit will understand that the issue is not politics, the economy or
poverty. The issue is spiritual. Developing the horizons of our communities to
influence and affect this nation begins in the smallest of them. It is here in the grass roots that dreams,
visions, and hopes of “we the people” move us forward. A pioneer spirit, once stirring deeply in
our hearts but now crushed into servitude, is not the destiny of a people
chosen by God!
History teaches that the compass
of man’s life is moral and, once broken on a large scale, nations fall and
crumble. Yet there is always a remnant, a
group that has not, nor ever will yield to the battering ram of temptation, the
self destruction of consuming upon its own lusts the very blessing and freedom
that created this nation. These are
those with the spirit of the pioneers, men and women who were willing to risk
all for a new land, pioneers who kept moving toward the sunrise, heading for
the horizon. They were seeking new
places, new cultures, and new beginnings.
As they conquered each new frontier and touched the horizon, the desire
to reach into the unknown infused them with courage. Outer space or cyber space -- nothing can stop
the pioneer spirit that this nation was founded upon. Pioneers are prepared to keep going, to
journey on, to stay on the path. Vision empowers perseverance in a world that
taunts and tests with persecution. All
along the way, pioneers have insight given to them. ”Surely
the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the
prophets” (Amos 3:7).
these pioneers the prophets of their day, men and women who listened to the
moral compass within and followed the course predestined while they were yet in
their mother’s womb? Strangers in a foreign
land and much like the Israelites of old, they moved into this land of promise,
drove their stakes into the land and persevered so that posterity could
prosper. Where are these pioneers, these
visionaries of old, now?
are those who would move mountains for the common good of man; they would build
great places of healing, education, and scientific exploration. Something happened; something is stealing
away the rights and privileges; something has upset the balance and the compass
spins in all directions. How do we come
back? How do we refocus? Only God can draw, like a magnet, people back
to Himself; only He can reset the compass and point the hearts of people to due
north. Let our hearts cry for new eyes
to see and ears to hear. We must watch
and wait and allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse and readjust our sight to higher
realms and deeper understanding.
nation that is sin sick from the murder of millions of unborn babies is now
faced with an awesome opportunity of opening its borders to thousands of
children from other lands. They too flea
from the tyranny and bondage of wicked men and women. What mercy and grace would risk giving such
responsibility to those who have failed so miserably. We can look again with the eyes of the
creator God and see the manner of His love.
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