Saturday, August 4, 2012



I must write about heaven, my view of what that means, a perspective seen through a mirror dimly.  So I meditate on the most beautiful things of this earth for they are at least a portal to see that which as yet cannot be seen. 
We understand that all of life is seasonal, that all things must germinate, grow and then fall to the ground and die.  There are secrets to this seasonal life—secrets that somehow I wish could be, yet cannot be completely translated into the heavenly realm.  Since there is no death nor dying in that realm then something of the seasonal secrets could not be tasted there and yet for now they do give us a glimpse of glory.   The beauty of every season lies within the creative power that brings forth fruit—in its season.  To miss a season would be to miss the intrinsic beauty and value, the fruit within each of them and therein miss a glimpse of heaven. 

The secret of an abundant life is to draw from every season that which only that season can give us.  When fall is approaching there is a stillness in the air, there is a flurry of activity as bird and beast prepares for winter months.  Colors begin to drape the leaves as though touched accidentally by an artist brush.  I sit in wonder as beauty explodes from the gentle opening of butterfly wings.  Everything waits and ever so slowly slips into a deep rest.  Winter never discloses herself but covers herself with frost and winter snows.  The hard shell of earth protect what is hidden in the earth and the sharp air defines the nakedness of tree and limb even as the misty clouds hides the horizon—the barrenness cloaks all things with its own warmth. This glimpse of heaven shares with utmost care its truth of deep rest, great peace, the glorious colors of creation and warmth and depth of intimacy. 
It saddens me to think there’d be no seasons.  No death to bring forth Spring with fruit of excitement, anticipation, renewed strength and awesome regalia of color.    Flaunting its gay apparel, blossoms proclaim to bees and bunnies “I’m here for your pleasure” offering its fruit for the taking and  bursting the earth to bring new life or build upon its new thoughts new dreams or new beginnings. This glimpse of heaven is one  that reveals it is an exciting place of continual strength, newness, freshness, fruitfulness and abundant joy and love that cannot do naught but create more beauty.

To think there’d be no long hot summer days—changes of pace as we fellowship with family and friends, enjoying buzzing bees, flitting butterflies or the smell of ripening fruit preparing to fill the horn of plenty.  This glimpse of heaven is one  that reveals  it is the essence of harmony where both kith and kin are in oneness, life is the great gift and abundance is the atmosphere. A place where family is eternal, enlarged as heaven itself, where fellowship, family and friendship are of the highest order as we rest together with Father God and elder brother. 
My view of heaven?  Surely there shall be something more glorious if when passing over they’d be no seasons—my glimpse of heaven is the beauty that is fragmented in this earthly realm but when one takes the time to see beyond the brokenness, then heaven like hell can be glimpsed even now.  The one we choose is the one we taste and can in knowing the secrets, see life now… as a glimpse of heaven.

Diane ~ August 2012