Monday, March 25, 2013

Building A Life

“The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual”

For a year now we have been living in the midst of demolition of the old court house and construction of the new seat of justice in our town.  It has been a constant reminder of Paul’s words to forget the old and put on the new spirit man.  Metaphors are created by looking through the window of the natural to see the spiritual dimension that is as close as the air we breathe. Dealing with lives that have and are in the midst of destruction has caused me to ponder and draw parallels to the need of mind renewal—the transformation created by the old to new, death to life process.  And so I have written… 
      Everywhere lives are lived out as best as the individual knows how.  Coping with life in this 21st century is full of pitfalls, misguided information, and sudden catastrophes.  Technology and the speed of evolution crushes the personal touch and the ability to maintain a sense of self worth is lessened.  Personal worth is decreased when the overwhelming matrix of technology impinges upon daily lives at alarming rates. 

      Here in the midst of the human condition gone askew, determination to move forward becomes the life link that breaks from the pathway of destruction to push toward some unknown territory, known as a healthy existence or happiness. This determination cannot -- neither should it be-- hindered since  the power of the moment throws all to the wind and “goes for it”.  The unknowing innately contains the very seeds of development that drove the life to this juncture, but if a person is loved and guided by the Creator, happiness can be lived out along the path of growth.  It’s a matter of faith or belief in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, God’s presence becomes a reality.  Faith  is the gift and fruit of a life turned over to God and the spirit man being “born again.”

      Minds full of past mistakes, of children lost, of abusive relationships, or of knowing themselves to have become the abusers, are minds thwart with obstacles. Only the God of impossible situations can realign and reignite the hope and passion to push forward.  Only by the Holy Spirit can lives be interrupted and direction changed.   Life must be surrendered; yet, even the willingness is impossible without the grace and mercy found in  God’s presence.  Our Father’s presence is the most significant, secure and saving truth. 

      Rebuilding life from the inside out becomes the single most important endeavor.  It is not so much where you are going, though knowing the goal posts is paramount to maintaining alignment, but using building blocks that are practical and easily performed is a secret to building a life that will not fall.  The building blocks are the moments that are available day by day.   Building by oneself never works or works to a point where one wrong detail, one detail missed, can shift the whole project.  Details are the place where the input from others is more important than self knowledge.  When building alone, the individual suddenly becomes “awash”  because details are missed and life has broken boundaries, places where the self, the world or even the devil can gain access. 

      Being in the midst of the building site reminds us that construction is messy.  Life that is growing and changing also becomes messy: things do not fit in the usual space or place.  In this atmosphere of change, strange people with differing gifts must be allowed to augment the needs of the project.  Specific pieces of equipment are used at specific times and loom into our space as overbearing, awkward and obtrusive.  The dirt and grit that building stirs up gets into every crack and cranny of life.  The noise of jack hammer, motors, saws and foul language of the workers pollute the air around you. 

       Blueprints are the most valuable piece of information necessary.  Without the diagram nothing will be “fitly joined” together.  It is smudged and smeared from coffee spilled when eyes are tired and limbs ache with the constant effort to “keep it according to the blueprint.”  In plain and public view, the blueprints are spread out for all to see, though few can read and even less understand the marks of the construction boss.  Supplies arriving early are stacked in inappropriate places while supplies needed arrive late and tempers rise.

       Soon the building blocks are rising higher, and amidst the canopy of chaos, a slim but solid glimpse of hope and possibility leaves the worker with a sense of what could be.  Past scaffolds are knocked away and lie among the debris. That which was yesterday’s need and security is no longer useful in today’s state of development.  

      The outside has form and substance, but inwardly the work is just beginning.  Inspiration sparks as workers move away from strict structure and creativity is allowed its freedom.  Color, shape, and form bring joy that strengthens hope; and energy brings light and laughter.  This metaphorical analysis of the transformation or renewal of the mind explains the way man thinks.  

      This development of thought is the whole meaning of evolution or the enlightenment of mankind.  The chains of thought, like the links in man’s DNA, empower and drive the human to either resist the process of evolution or empower toward higher levels of human thought and existence. 

Diane M. Hale - March 2013