Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The River....

                                                              The River
 “The Lord has made everything to accommodate itself and contribute to its own end and His own purpose—even the wicked are fitted for their role for the day of calamity and evil.Proverbs 16:4 AMP

The movement of God during the closing of this season of ministry, which includes the journey to England, Austria and the Dominican Republic, was as a mighty and deep river.   This verse brings understanding about the river of God and helps us to understand the following truths:
A deep and wide river moves swiftly, its speed dependent upon its original spring.  “Then He showed me the river whose waters give life, sparkling like crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb.”  Revelation 22:2

Whenever there is resistance within the river the resistance does not create the power to increase its depths and its borders.  It is the source from which it flows that brings power and healing to the nations and all that it touches. “Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city.  On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month.  And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”  Revelation 22:1-2
Hindrance or pressure does not make something increase but exposes what is already there and by that virtue increases itself.  [I.e. the gymnast is not developed by what they do but by the strength and determination within themselves.]  Not what they do but who they are!

a.       The river  allows itself to increase and re-shape as it flows.

b.      Whatever is received has enough power to fulfill its potential, it cannot be stopped by any external force or hindrance.

c.       The deeper the river the less observable is its movement and power.  There is a ‘stillness’ to depth. 

d.      The ratio of width and depth is reflected in balance and reflects harmony – when a hindrance occurs the water begins to churn in the depths making it even deeper.  The depths then increasing restores balance and harmony.
A just balance and scales are the Lord’s; all the weights of the bag are His work [established on His eternal principles” Proverbs 16:11

e.      The churning of the river causes the hindrance to either succumb by submission  or be washed away by the power of the river: 
“Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself on Him: fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass.”   [Psalm 37:7]

Diane - July 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Glorious Grace

Glorious Grace

But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”   [1 John 1:7]

This verse teaches us something about the glorious grace of God—Grace is not just an escape mechanism when we are tempted apart from His Presence.  Walking with Him in the Light is to know the full power of His Grace.  Praying… lead me not into temptation, when believed, allows us to freely walk in the Light of the Glory of the Son of the Living God.

Grace is the power of Light!    Walking in the Light with Jesus means the act of walking in the power of the Light continuously, which provides for the continual adjustment of our responses.  It protects us from making the wrong moves, thinking the wrong thoughts or taking the wrong actions.  When our thoughts need realigning the Light does not discard the thought—the Light fulfills the thought so that it is in alignment with the mind of Christ or truth.

For example there are many times we make a response to circumstances that is perhaps a little ‘out of character’ or not our usual response.  Or we suddenly find ourselves thinking ‘strange thoughts’.  Our immediate response is…”oh my goodness, I should not  think like that” taking the thought into our union with Christ will keep us from beating up on ourselves and allow Christ  to share with us the truth of what is being thought. 

 As Christians our first thought, as in all human thinking, is to justify ourselves.  Well I responded as I did because, fill in the blank.  If we fail to remember we are walking in and with the Light of Christ we become our own accusers and the enemy partners with us to knock us off our feet by accusing us of ‘judging’.  In actual fact our response has changed not because we are judging but because we have discerned something unseen or unknown before.  The Light we are walking in has given us more information with which to give a response and pray with greater understanding.   This is the Spirit that  “judges…with righteousness…”

When we walk in the Light we are walking in the Spirit of Christ Himself who aligns our responses to the Light and creates a pathway within His boundaries, revealing the highway of holiness.  

This is the process of renewing the thinking and transforming the soul.

This is not an excuse for sin—sin whether thought, word or deed, by its very nature is separation from God for and from which the Blood has cleansed us.  What this teaches us is the depth of our belief and maturity in Christ.

Diane – July, 2013